Anonymous ID: 4dd569 Jan. 4, 2021, 5:30 p.m. No.12317843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7911

This is my new Skyrim Build: The Crypt Crawler.


The Crypt Crawler started their adventuring career with valiant motives in mind. Growing up a Nordic child, he watched his parents slaughtered by vampires that overran his village searching for one of the leaders of the Vigilants of Stendar.

The Crypt Crawler's father was the one that they were searching for. Once found, the band of vampires tortured his mother and father before his very eyes and made the child watch as they drank them dry and devoured their flesh. When the vampires were done with his mother and father, they finally turned their horrific attention upon the now orphaned child. But at the last moment, a Vigilant of Stendar burst into the house with some type of spell as bright as the Sun! The vampires hissed as they threw up their arms to block out the power of the spell. Immediately, crossbow bolts struck two vampires in the heart and the others were quickly dispatched with a dual flurry of two war axes wielded in two hands. The Vigilant scooped the child up, ran out the door, and jumped upon a horse and galloped away into the night. The child's savior's name was Isran.

It was from this point in his life that the Crypt Crawler's psyche became tarnished with pure hatred for all vampires. So much so, that it planted the seed of madness that would eventually grow to fruition in his adulthood to come.

In his never ending mission to search out and destroy all vampires from the land of his ancestors, he fell from any belief in the Divines, and turned his back on Stendar and considered the Vigilants fools for not focusing their strength on the vampire threat. This made him a great candidate for the Dawnguard and he shared almost the exact same goals as Isran, the leader of the newly reformed Dawnguard.

However, unlike Isran, the Crypt Crawler had been permanently scarred by his childhood experience with vampires, and his sanity began to slowly wane until he became so withdrawn and focused on killing vampires that he spent the majority of his time living within the ancient crypts and caves of Skyrim, waiting for his prey…the vampires.

Unlike the rest of the Dawnguard, the Crypt Crawler understood his enemy so well, that he too began to grow mad thinking that if he thought more like his enemy, he would best be able to find them and kill them.

So, the Crypt Crawler (in addition to his armor and weapons training) began to practice the forbidden school of magic known as Necromancy. By learning the dark arts of the necromancers, the Crypt Crawler would use the dead against the vampires themselves.

Ultimately, the Crypt Crawlers madness would lead him to the ultimate taboo…the practice of cannibalism!

"Know thy enemy," had become the Crypt Cawler's motto to live by…and he took it literally.