Anonymous ID: f75518 Jan. 4, 2021, 7:50 p.m. No.12320887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1200 >>1396 >>1501

Generation Betrayed. The Corona Regime in Schools. The Future of Our Children


Can it be that we are merely witnessing a gigantic and historically unprecedented medical-political abuse of power? That a virus is being used as a scapegoat for something else?


“Protecting children from all dangers is my damned father’s duty,” sang Reinhard Mey. Our offspring currently need protection from the rigid corona regime in schools.


Serious damage is done to our sons and daughters through masking and social distance rules, through constant ventilation in freezing cold and the suppression of their vital needs for contact and impartiality – both physically and mentally.


In addition, their self-confidence is broken by the constant suggestion that they are a changing risk of infection. In addition, they are trained into conformism and submission to constraints.


Which generation is growing up there? Do we think our children are not systemically relevant and are we therefore only too willing to sacrifice them on the altar of the prevailing corona narrative? We must finally defend ourselves against the organized lovelessness to which our children are exposed.


As a historian, I have been deeply appalled for months at how a whole society, whole nations, can be led collectively into division and, above all, irrationality solely on the basis of mass PCR tests.


For weeks I have been wondering: Where is the so-called academic elite of Europe in the areas of history, political science, sociology and psychology which stands up and says: Enough! With a total “war against the virus”, according to Emmanuel Macron, – as in any war – thousands or millions of “civilians” – in this case healthy people – lose their livelihoods, make sick, and ultimately killed (1).


Where are the many celebrities in Europe from science, the arts, literature, music and film who come together in public and shout: Enough! We demand an end to Covid-19 totalitarianism, not just in the media!


Three years ago the renowned German historian Philipp Blom, who lives in Vienna, wrote the admonishing book: “What is at stake!” Meanwhile everything is at stake: human rights, social peace, freedom, democracy, prosperity, work, tolerance, public health – not because of the virus, but the highly disproportionate nature of measures such as “lockdown” – and simply human dignity.


For all these humane achievements people fought for centuries and many lost their lives. These achievements are not a law of nature, not divisible, not negotiable, not interpretable and also not measurable.


It was not without reason that the greatest peacemaker of all time, Mahatma Gandhi, gave us a warning: Whoever accepts injustice in silence is complicit!


As a reminder: the legacy of totalitarianism and fascism: Between 1914 and 1970, around 100 million people lost their lives in all world wars and civil wars, in all totalitarian societies in Europe, both right-wing and left-wing ideologies.


All of Europe’s totalitarian systems – National Socialism, Stalinism, Italian fascism, Franco’s dictatorship in Spain, etc. – they were all made possible not by those in power, not by the leaders and commanders, but without exception and again and again by the tolerant or silent majority. By the informers, but also by those who were discouraged and fearful. By those concerned about their belongings. In the end, almost everyone lost everything: their belongings, honor and human dignity.


I am writing here not only as a historian and researcher on the rights of children, but primarily as a father of three.


Most of the public play facilities for children were closed on World Playday for Children on May 29th and World Children’s Day on June 1st, while beer gardens and hardware stores had been open for weeks.


A society that implicitly says that children and young people are not “systemically relevant” does not want a future!

Anonymous ID: f75518 Jan. 4, 2021, 7:52 p.m. No.12320913   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Living in Dark Times: I Revolt, Therefore I Am!


If Science Leads Man to Knowledge, He Finds Himself


“Really, I live in dark times! The guileless word is foolish. (…) The laughing man has only not yet received the terrible news.” This is how Bertolt Brecht‘s poem “An die Nachgeborenen” (To those born later) begins; published in June 1939.


It is one of the most important texts in German exile literature. Three generations later, we are again living in dark times.


Most citizens instinctively feel that “Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark” and “Time is Out of Joint” (Shakespeare). However, a sense of authority and a mental obedience reflex prevent them from distrusting the brazen lies of politicians, scientists and the mass media and from saying no. With this behaviour they stabilise the totalitarian system.


Science has the task of leading people to knowledge. Depth psychology, for example, has found out what prevents people from using their common sense instead of handing over power to politicians. The clear-sighted free citizen will no longer obey: he will rebel against the unconstitutional Corona measures of governments as an outgrowth of the New World Order and will embrace the spirit of revolt. His highest goal is the realisation of freedom for all people. In this act of outrage, he finds himself: I revolt, therefore I am!


Science has to lead man to knowledge


The human community rightly expects science to alleviate the plight of people and to serve the protection of life. But there are hardly any independent scientists left, only academics (with university or college education) who kowtow. More and more scientists are hawking their knowledge and skills, and often their souls, to the military-industrial-media complex and Big Money. They even move so far away from their humanity that they help perfect the means for the general destruction of humanity.


This is also true of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists who could greatly enrich people’s lives. The fact that the science of psychology is still very much underestimated in our latitudes is largely due to the fact that many German psychologists of Jewish faith had to go into exile in the USA during the period of fascism. However, psychology is also eyed with suspicion because many of its representatives, while striving to help individuals, are in favour of preserving the system. They want the person seeking advice to find his way in society, to be a good and well-behaved citizen.


In war, the state hires psychologists so that the soldier stays in line and does not run away. And if the soldier’s mind falls ill on the battlefield, he is picked up by the psychologist on home leave and prepared again so that he continues to defend the fatherland at the risk of his life. Nowadays, psychologists give dubious advice to young and old alike on how to get through their anxieties, depressions and fits of despair due to the politically imposed Corona measures in reasonably good health. The betrayal of one’s own professional ethics is pushing humanity into misery. (1)

Anonymous ID: f75518 Jan. 4, 2021, 7:54 p.m. No.12320947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Irrelevance of Human Rights in US and British Foreign Policy


A Brief History of Human Rights Atrocities and Deception


“We have to reserve the right to bomb N…” (British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, 1932(1))


Historical human rights abuses are not explained well in most school textbooks or by the mainstream media. They celebrate Columbus as an explorer, failing to note that the purpose of his voyage was plunder, and that he should be remembered for helping to start the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the genocide of the people of Haiti. Britain’s human rights record is appalling. Some of Britain’s most famous seafarers, such as Sir Francis Drake, were actually pirates (notice the Sir – being a criminal does not affect your chances of receiving an honour if your crimes are committed on behalf of the government). The explorer Henry Stanley (famous for the line “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?”) assisted King Leopold II of Belgium in controlling the people of the Congo, so that he could steal their rubber. King Leopold is most famous for cutting off the hands of the native population. One of Stanley’s key roles was in persuading local chiefs to sign treaties they did not understand.(2) Commerce was (and still is) more important than human rights.


Gradually, there has been a steady improvement in how governments from many nations treat their citizens. In most countries slavery has been abolished. Women and minorities are supposed to have equal rights, and we have agreements on how prisoners are treated. Each year, a couple of countries removed the death penalty.(3) Many of us recognised that our earlier exploitation of some groups of people was no longer acceptable.


In 1947 the United Nations came up with the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.(4) This is a surprisingly long list of rights that every person is entitled to. The right to life perhaps being the most important, but also freedom from slavery and torture. However, the Declaration was flawed from the beginning because the five most powerful nations at the time (US, Britain, Russia, China and France) violated the rights of their citizens or their colonies on a regular basis, even whilst the declaration was being created.(5) British negotiators were aware that the authorities in some British colonies carried out murder, torture and rape. Authorities in other British colonies regularly detained people, hindered freedom of movement and controlled the holding of meetings. British colonies were therefore being governed in ways that contradicted the declaration.(6)


Whatever progress we had made came to an abrupt halt following the terrorist attacks in New York on September 11th, 2001. We have gone backwards significantly for the last 20 years.(7)Steadily increasing standards of human rights and personal freedoms have been set aside as we fly people abroad for torture, and destroy multiple countries in the Middle East.

Mass Murder Is Not A Crime If You Call It War – And You’re British or American


“The American army’s use of its massive fire-power is so unrestrained that all US military operations are in reality the collective punishment of whole districts, towns and cities.” (Patrick Cockburn, 2005(8))


An important part of the propaganda system in Britain and the US is that we have been conditioned over many years to assess a country’s human rights record based on the treatment of its own people. However, it is more accurate to also include human rights violations committed by our governments and their armies in other countries. When we do this, it becomes clear that many of the worst human rights atrocities are committed by the US and British governments when they go to war, or when they supply weapons or provide assistance to murderous dictators. The version of war that we see in the US and British media bears little relationship to what actually goes on when the US and Britain invade another country. The media shows us videos of precision bombs hitting their targets. What they rarely show is the mass slaughter and maiming of human beings, and the destruction of entire cities using the most devastating weapons available.


We have also been conditioned to think of human rights as what are known as political rights, such as the right to vote, freedom of speech (which means the right to criticise your government), and the right to a free press. These rights are regularly violated in many countries. However, there are even more important rights within the 1948 declaration, such as the right to life. In other words, the right not to be shot by an invading army. It is these more important rights that are violated by the US and British governments when they invade other countries.

Anonymous ID: f75518 Jan. 4, 2021, 7:56 p.m. No.12320992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1200 >>1242 >>1341

Putin Pushes Plan To Roll Out COVID "Immunity Passports" In Russia


As Russian President Vladimir Putin ramps up his aggressive campaign to stamp out COVID-19 once and for all (as Russia races to vaccinate its most vulnerable citizens while striking deals to supply "Sputnik V" to developing markets the world), the embattled president has just raised the possibility of distributing 'immunity passports', an idea that has gained traction around the world since the dawn of the pandemic.


According ton an RT report, the Russian government is considering the development and distribution of documents verifying whether individuals have been vaccinated. China has already road-tested technology transmitting people's COVID status via smartphone apps, and it's widely suspected that Beijing will impose some version of immunity passports, if they haven't already.


Russian PM Mikhail Mishustin has been tasked with carrying out the policy.


In a series of instructions to officials, published at the end of 2020, President Vladimir Putin ordered policymakers "to consider issuing certificates to people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 infections using Russian vaccines…or the purpose of enabling citizens to travel across the borders of the Russian Federation and those of other countries."


Russia’s Prime Minister, Mikhail Mishustin, has been charged with implementing the recommendations, and is set to report back on January 20.


For once, Putin and American billionaire Bill Gates will be seeing eye to eye, as support for "immunity passports" grows not just among governments (even in "liberal democracies" like Canada), but the private sector as well. As RT reminds us, the IATA has voiced support for "immunity passports" as a strategy for hastening the revival of air travel.


The International Air Transport Association, which represents 290 airlines across the world, has supported the idea of vaccine passports, and is developing its own digital system to track who has been immunized against the virus. Passengers may be expected to present equivalent documents before being allowed to board planes in the future. Immunizations with the Russian-made Sputnik V vaccine, the first to be registered for the prevention of Covid-19 anywhere in the world, have been taking place in growing numbers in the capital and across the country. More than 70 centers in Moscow are now offering jabs, and at least 800,000 people have received their first dose.


Remember, once they arrived, people might soon find "Immunity Passports" will become a permanent facet of their lives: even after the COVID-19 pandemic ends, they could be used to offer evidence that a traveler has been vaccinated - not just for COVID-19, but for any other diseases, or even perhaps mutated forms of COVID-19.

Anonymous ID: f75518 Jan. 4, 2021, 7:58 p.m. No.12321013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1024 >>1051 >>1075 >>1199 >>1200 >>1396 >>1501

Former Mueller Prosecutor Jeannie Rhee Is Tied to Arrest of Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio


Earlier tonight Proud Boys founder Enrique Tarrio was arrested as he was being driven from a D.C. area airport. Tarrio was pulled over for allegedly burning a stolen Black Lives Matter banner taken from a historic Black Washington, D.C. church last month.


There were also unconfirmed reports that Tarrio was in possession of two high-capacity firearm magazines at the time of his arrest for a misdemeanor.


Reporter Jacob Engels tonight confirmed former Mueller prosecutor Jeannie Rhee is tied to the arrest of Enrique Tarrio tonight.


Jacob Engels at Major League Liberty USA reported:


MLLUSA can now confirm that the DC Police arrested Enrique Tarrio, the Chairman of the right-leaning men’s fraternal organization The Proud Boys. Tarrio, who is Afro-Cuban and the son of Cuban exiles who fled Fidel Castro’s brutal communist regime after several family members were killed, has been charged for burning a Black Lives Matter banner during free speech demonstrations that occurred in the nation’s capitol in December of 2019. Recent news reports had indicated that the DC police were investigating Tarrio for the perfectly legal free speech demonstration and were even considering elevating the charge by designating it as a hate crime.


However, they have failed to properly prosecute violent domestic terrorist activity that has been allowed to run rampant in the past six months from Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Just last month during the same demonstration, Antifa and BLM stabbed four members of the Proud Boys and engaged in widespread destruction and violence across DC. Personally, this journalist has seen their depravity upfront, which has regularly included burning the American flag, but DC police and the woke media have stood by in those cases and facilitated an atmosphere where the insurrectionist actions are not only tolerated… they are actively encouraged by elected Democrats.


Former Mueller prosecutor Jeannie Rhee seems to be the originator of the charges against Tarrio, according to court documents obtained by MLLUSA. Rhee, who led the witch-hunt against Trump advisor Roger Stone, was listed on court documents as the attorney representing the African American church who claims it was their BLM banner that was stolen by someone and burned by The Proud Boys last month in DC, according to documents filed with the court in early January.


This is an ongoing story and will be covered further by MLLUSA.

Anonymous ID: f75518 Jan. 4, 2021, 8 p.m. No.12321059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1086 >>1200 >>1223 >>1225 >>1372 >>1396 >>1501

WATCH: Hidden Camera Reveals Activists ILLEGALLY Registered Thousands at The Same Address in Georgia


Project Veritas has released new audio from activists who confess to registering thousands of people at one address – their office – in order to illegally cast a vote in Georgia.


The news comes one day before the Georgia Senate election run-off, and just hours after local state authorities attempted to ensure the public that their votes were fairly and equally counted.


Under Georgia law, a person must be “Registered as an elector in the manner prescribed by law,” and “A resident of this state and of the county or municipality in which he or she seeks to vote.”


Registering a number of voters at one address is – by its nature – opening the vote up to people who may not be legal residents of the state, or the county or municipality where they are registered.


Caught on camera, Kimberly Parker of the Central Outreach and Advocacy Center in Atlanta says:

“The majority of the people we serve don’t have an address, so we allow them to use our address if they register to vote, and to get Georgia State ID.”


The process appears to be criminal under Georgia law with a penalty of imprisonment for up to 10 years.


Parker goes on to admit: “Although we’re not a shelter, we do allow them to use 201 Washington St.” That’s the organization’s office address.


“I can’t even begin to tell you how many people have that address on their ID.”


The news also flies in the face of attempted cover-ups by Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger and his assistant Gabriel Sterling who during a call with President Trump insisted that they had conducted a perfect election. Sterling did so again during a press conference on Monday after the call with the President was leaked to the Washington Post.


Another employee at the center – Adam Seeley – admits “probably a couple thousand people… had our address registered on their mailing address for their voter registration.”

Anonymous ID: f75518 Jan. 4, 2021, 8:10 p.m. No.12321204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1396 >>1501

Capito opposes efforts to object presidential election vote


CHARLESTON, W.Va. — As congressional Republicans split over certifying the presidential election results, U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is calling the effort to oppose verifying Joe Biden’s victory “an ill-fated journey.”


Capito’s comments on Monday’s “MetroNews Talkline” and an ensuing statement came as some Republican legislators remain committed to delaying the certification of the Electoral College vote and President Donald Trump continues pushing claims of voter fraud without evidence.


“I just think Congress’ role … is to accept the electoral vote,” Capito said on “Talkline.”


“The Electoral College is important to West Virginia. It’s the only way our five votes get counted and have meaning. I was quoted yesterday saying it’s an ill-fated journey, and I won’t be supporting it.”


The Republican Party is divided on certifying the election results; according to CNN, at least 140 members of the House of Representatives will oppose counting the votes. Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley said last week he will object to the certification, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is leading a coalition backing a delay in counting electoral votes and the formation of a body to audit the results.


Republicans who oppose the challenges include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.; Majority Whip John Thune, R-S.D.; Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey and Ohio Sen. Rob Portman.


Capito, whose second term in the Senate began Sunday, noted on “Talkline” the Trump campaign has been unsuccessful in changing the election results, and the president’s legal team has not submitted sufficient evidence supporting claims of widespread voter fraud. She noted she has concerns about the election and voting, yet said that is not enough for the Senate to dismiss votes.


“I do think we need to move forward with investigations. We need to find out exactly what’s happened,” she said. “But this has moved through a lot of courts in the country, and there have been baseless accusations that haven’t really formulated into any kind of court action.”


November 09, 2017


U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today issued the following statement regarding the West Virginia Department of Commerce’s announcement that China Energy will invest $83.7 billion in major West Virginia shale gas projects. The China Energy announcement was the largest investment in a series of projects totaling a reported $250 billion of total investment in the United States.

Anonymous ID: f75518 Jan. 4, 2021, 8:28 p.m. No.12321472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1501 >>1586




Leon Black and the Russian Direct Investment Fund


Leon Black of Apollo, Steve Schwarzman of Blackstone, and David Bonderman of TPG all served on the board of the Russian Direct Investment Fund.


RDIF was once a subsidiary of US sanctioned VEB until June 2016 when Putin signed legislation attempting to separate RDIF’s management from sanctioned VEB.


On Dec 12, 2016 Jared Kushner met Sergey Gorkov of VEB.


On January 11, 2017, Erik Prince met secretly with RDIF head Kirill Dmitriev in Seychelles. That meeting is currently being investigated by Mueller.


Leon Black’s AGM and Blackwater


Apollo Global Management bought Constellis in 2016.


Constellis owns Erik Prince’s Blackwater (now ACADEMI), Triple Canopy, and a handful of other mercenary groups. On the board of Constellis is John Ashcroft.


Apollo Global Management acquired Apollo Education’s for profit University of Phoenix in 2016.


Leon Black and Team Trump


Leon Black is friends with Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Wendi Deng, and Roman Abramovich’s now ex-wife Dasha Zhukova. Here they are watching a tennis match together:


Wendi Deng is a suspected Chinese spy and Putin romantic interest.


Leon Black’s Apollo Global partnered with Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp.

Anonymous ID: f75518 Jan. 4, 2021, 8:38 p.m. No.12321586   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Leon Black, Apollo Global Management and Blackstone Implicated in Epstein’s ‘Deep State’ Pedophile Mob


A news report from CNN on August 24, 2020, states that “US Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George has filed subpoenas to serve Leon Black and his private equity firm Apollo Global Management, demanding financial documents and communications for the company and several other entities tied to Black in the civil case against Jeffrey Epstein‘s estate.”


We authors of this report produced previously articles, videos, and a film titled PHARMAWHORES: The Showtime Sting of Penn & Teller, detailing the links between Leon Black’s Apollo Global Management and the money laundering that occurred in the wake of ‘9/11’.


Apollo Global Management is a private equity banking enterprise partnered with Blackrock, the Vanguard Group, and other leading financiers co-investing in globalization, vaccines and pharmaceuticals, and genetic biotechnology for ‘disease control’ and population control.


Apollo Global Management was used to convey the ‘911 Reconstruction Fund’ of billions of dollars to the MGM Grand Resorts International company to build “The City Center”–Las Vegas’s premier attraction.


The MGM syndicate is directed by presidential advisor on U.S. National Security infrastructure preparedness, James Murren (shown at the top of the composite graphic on the right).


Murren, you may recall, made a fortune shorting his MGM Grand stocks (along with fellow ‘insiders’) in anticipation of The Las Vegas Deep State Massacre. The mass shootings occurred at the same time a federal terrorism preparedness ‘exercise’ was being conducted, best explaining simultaneous shootings recorded at other hotels on ‘the strip.’


We published an interactive e-book by this title. Therein we detailed these connections between The Partnership for New York City, the 911 Reconstruction Fund, Apollo Global Management, Leon Black, James Murren, and the MGM Grand enterprise.