Anonymous ID: 46124a Jan. 4, 2021, 9:39 p.m. No.12322260   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Would settle for the info dump on all the conspirators involved behind the prohibition of the Natural medicinal substance, cannabis, followed by the immediate arrests and prosecutions of any and all traitors who deprived countless US citizens of their basic human Rights, while extorting ungodly amount of money as seriously cruel and unusual punishments were imparted upon innocent but tortured human beings.


Then once all the funds are confiscated of said conspirators involved in said SERIOUS HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE, all the victims can be reimbursed financially, which does so include the innocent tax-payers who were forced to fund such tyranny and terror, after funding decades worth of fraudulent propaganda to establish false pretense which was then used to "justify" armed aggravated sexual assaults, which did so often accompany the very likes of wrongful accusations and/or "convictions". Which, again, the tax-payers were defrauded to fund not only the criminal assaults and incarceration of innocent civilians, but also the ungodly amounts extorted by courts to "justify" these supposed "criminal", which were in fact passed down by fraudulent members of supposed "government" then acting fraudulently as supposed "medical professionals" by passing down "judgements" which had very real affects upon innocent civilians' physical and mental well-being.


Or we could just continue to ignore the past and continue to hand over moar of our basic human Rights to the very same criminal conspirators, now pretty much responsible for depriving our Rights amidst the covid scandemic. All while tax-payers are forced once again to fund an absolute fraud being paraded around to deprive said unsuspecting tax-payers, due to constant bombardments of false and misleading propaganda pushed by the very same entities responsible for establishing the false and incredibly misleading propaganda used to deprive countless citizens of their very real Rights under color of law…