Anonymous ID: 235243 Jan. 4, 2021, 11:51 p.m. No.12323225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3238 >>3413 >>3512 >>3635 >>3717 >>3836

On using the terms "black" and "white" in politics.


On the left, "black" has come to refer to an ideology not skin tone. And "black" is not referring to goodness. It refers to corruption/communism/statism/satanism as a mode of controlling the people via their "government". However, to keep people from calling out the near open substitution of a failed and evil "system" for the decent and godly framework given us by our Founders, the "left" screams "racism" every time "We the People" show our preference for someone who loves the country, her ideals and her freedom.


Does anyone remember Bill Clinton being referred to as the "first black President"? Why is Trump called a "white supremacist"?


Why didn't the "left" get outraged by Biden's "…you ain't black." remark?


The WSJ, somewhat randomly (it appears) began capitalizing the term "Black" in it's recent "reporting". However, the "Black" people filling boardrooms and executive positions based on the newly decreed "racial" preferences in hiring and appointments are often mixed race in appearance. What they ALL have in common is a ("leftist" university trained?) political outlook that is anti-American, anti-Christian and and very, very communist/satanist. Similar to Elizabeth Warren getting a position in higher education based on being a "person of color". What political party do you think virtually ALL of them belong to?