Anonymous ID: 956930 Jan. 5, 2021, 1:34 a.m. No.12323703   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You couldn't be more wrong! By the way "reading" the bible no matter how many times is nothing without the Holy Spirit activated in a person through faith, so what you read and I read as a devout believer are two different things. I have the Holy Spirit which gives me greater understanding than you or anyone without the Holy Spirit can ever have. I also study bible prophecy for about 27 years now, 1/3 of the bible is prophecy, it is God's signature. How do I know that? I am law fag too, I dissected the prophecies as if it were a case and my verdict is the bible is a supernatural book inspired by the one true God and written by man through Divine intervention. God is more than 500/500 in accurately predicting the future, not vague stuff like Nostradamus, but detailed and proven by history. Bet you knew none of that, because all you did was READ but have no understanding. You shouldn't speak on what you obviously know ZERO about!