AIDS, COVID19 biological warfare.
Pedophiles tried to make gays the bad guys and they hate old people.
Trump stoped war and made peace treaties that pissed evil doers off.
His shoes would not have stayed on after a fall like that.
Every conspiracy is trying to hide the fact that they rape in slave and eat children.
Comments on Kappy being thin. All actors are stick thin because the camera ads weight.
Kappy obsessed anon get a life, I'm out.
Why don't the brits kick the royals out on their ass?
All drugs are made in China. Don't take drugs or nutritional supplements. .
Actors act or they don't get paid.
Do you know why actors and rockstars die young? Thats how you make the big money.
In the late 70's complete morons were made computer geniuses because they were born in the right family.
IBM worked for the Nazis
Covid didn't kill enough people so they invented the vaccine.
So did Ford.
Parkinson anons my only relief is wine. I only drink at night.
Walt is king Pedo.