This would be more interesting to know the dates… as these are preludes to what is to come… the BLM maybe offering things to make up for loss or trying to offer things for black mail to the people they want to frame… or cash
The Antifa is offering blood something to get back at… or saying they will be getting back at someone. Both should have a word of warning in the area if you ask me.
Happy to help… I am not a suicide nor am I saying I am not willing to help. I don't not like these people…
If you are Good you work with the flow to better humanity. I very much believe in God… I would say know God exist faith/believe call it what you want.
The bad think they are God wish to manipulate low minded people as if they are subjects.
I would be happy to look at what ever is needed… The world would be a better place with out such people.