an absolute MUST read
an absolute MUST read
he's traveling around telling everyone… this is what is about to go down. he is also giving intel to them to prove that when hillary/obama and their cronies are locked up, it is for legitimate reasons…. and that anything that the lying press reports can be ignored. although unlikely to happen anyway… this also prevents the UN from doing something stupid like sending troops to the US.
jon tester is raking in campaign contributions its seems
including lots of shady characters
like soros for example
It's easy to say you have 100% "coverage" when coverage, at best, means that you can schedule an appointment to see a doctor eventually.
Here's the thing about healthcare: ultimately, earth has a 100% mortality rate. There's no limit to the amount you can spend on improving someone's health, but you run up against diminishing returns pretty fast. Socialists always use the elderly and the chronically ill as their poster children for "people who need healthcare that they can't afford", but they're always the first to get the shaft when they need to balance their budget, because they're a high-risk, low-return investment. It's much easier to maintain popularity if you put that money toward cheap help for the healthy: a flu shot here, a subsidized painkiller there. If a person can't survive a month-long wait for a more serious ailment, they don't want to save them anyways, because they're draining more from the system than they're putting in, and again: when you're managing the health of the entire population, you want to prioritize the low-hanging fruit.
Of course, using the U.S.'s healthcare as an example of "capitalism failing" is just as asinine: right now, we have a system where you aren't allowed to go without healthcare, and on top of that, some people have healthcare paid for at the expense of others. You can't come up with a better combination for skyrocketing prices. Hell, health insurance as an institution (which itself drives up rates) only exists because of new-deal era wage caps necessitating crafty ways to attract employees. Combine that with an FDA that keeps life-saving drugs off the market for decades while simultaneously only banning dangerous ones after they've been released, and every flaw with American healthcare (which nevertheless maintains the highest quality in the world) can be traced back to the same "reformers" who would be managing socialist healthcare in the first place.