It's Sunday morning in my next of the woods. Just watched the 'comedic' routine by that skank at the WHCD. The appropriately named Ms. Wolf just solidified something I've felt for a long time. The left is morally bankrupt and due to their pathological degree of hatred towards President Trump, engage in behavior they wouldn't 'tolerate' for a second if the situation was reversed.
"When they go low, we go high." Right, sure you do!
When this utterly disgraceful behavior, such as making vile jokes about press secretary Sarah Sanders, is called out in the comment section of an article describing what occurred, the response is to quote comments they felt were inappropriate by President Trump. Weak. Alinski 101. Never thought I would say this, but even Sean Spicer did the right thing and called it out.
Fucking disgraceful…the whole lot of them. Utterly disgraceful.
To illustrate how fucking hypocritical they are, I'll remind everyone that when Larry Wilmore mc'd the event, and was actually very funny and had a well-written routine, but committed the cardinal sin of roasting our savior, supreme leader bbbbrrrraaacccckkk Hussein Obama, his show on Comedy Central was mysteriously cancelled within a year or so. Something about poor ratings.