And a voice like finger nails on a chalk board.
No. Their gonna keep i up 'til it kills them.
Listen to what? Link?
IIRC, around the time of the Hawaii Alert - it came out that some of them got ham radio certs. Nellie Orr was one I think. Anons suggested there was no way to keep track of those comms. (I found that hard to believe.) Also at that time it came out that subs use lower frequencies and maybe morse code to periodically upload messages. I think Team-Q can capture those comms too.
All of this needs verification though. NOT an autist.
KEK! Not doxing. Fred is a MANY MANY years ago blast from the past that no one would ever connect. Just thought "his" saying was funny after all this time.
Well. There's the UK. So far - and only from what we know via Fox - there is a 6 month waiting list to remove fucking Gall Stones and they have killed 2 children (Charlie Gard and now little Alfie). So much for Socialized Medicine providing EVERYONE with the same wonderful health care that Stupid Cryin' Kimmel's kid gets.
Yes. Same people promoting Socialism are the ones bleeding the Country dry. They haven't figured out that they will be the first ones marched into the ditch. Totalitarians DO NOT allow "useless eaters" to live.
One of the first cases of "euthanasia" from the Nazis was a handicapped child whose father didn't want to "waste" family time and money caring for the kid. It came across Bormann's desk and the deaths just took off from there.
Nice. Here's a you for your only post!