She is eating the meal of the stupid…..all carbs
Kek…..Trump bailed out small meat producers….cuz Dem/commies pulled all the inspectors for muh virus…..Dem/commies are literally trying to starve people, almost no trucks heading to big national slaughter houses
My butcher already has orders for entire herd….wow……you blue state faggots gonna be eating crap
Say thank you China
Hey blue states
I got 100 million tons of soybeans you can “buy”
Why didn’t Congress ask Sackler fam where they got all that smack for their oxy’s?
I know why
US government supplies most of the world’s heroin…..we are only in Afghanistan to keep Taliban from holding entire world hostage with dope.
Everyone worried oil would be big downfall, turns out, it’s drugs. Nazi speed so cheap in Asia, they give it away.
Why are 80 year old POS making policy they will never live under?
Total bullshit letting old fuckers screw ALL of America just for a few shekels
How can one generation be so greedy they will steal food from your grandkids mouths?
Well old fucker?…..greedy sniveling assholes
I hope Georgia slides into the sea…..watermelons and dust
Moar evidence of old fuckers being sleazy
They have a lot to hide… all the incest….right boys…..why abortion is legal, no embarrassing questions on how pregnancy happened…..right Democrats….can’t hide your filth any longer
Democrats, the incest lovers party
Democrats believe incest is normal
Checks in the mail…..kek
Told ya… beef for blue states, only Chinese chicken
MacDonalds announces 3 (three) new chicken sammich
Lol…..your gonna fucking starve nigga