pardon kyle
Arrest the state for allowing Burn Loot Murder to operate
Patriots protect Patriots
cameras out !!!
masks off at rally
HCQ !!!!
no worries
End Fauci
heard immunity take off your masks do not socialdistance donot take vax
take HCQ
longer social distance the less immunity
people afraid ware a mask
PAtriots HC17
Masks are for Antifa and BLM and Dems CCP
Congressman hiding behind mask ?
dems mask protect you ?
GOP take off your mask
Only traitors ware a mask….BLM
Burn Loot Mask
MAsk does not protect..
why no masks during flu season before?
GOP take off your mask - your decision your body
DEm,s if masks protect you then ware one
you are already protected against the maskless
Patriots Home of the Brave — no masks they donot work they only hide criminals
WHO is wearing a mask ?
SAME DEAL with gov prickster IL
why are mask wearing dems afraid of maskless people if the masks protect you ?
Why congress and senate wearing a mask ?
Why NDAA protect propaganda ?
Why give foreign money to everyone else besides america ?
Why cant maskless people goto church if the masks protect you ?
politicians making money over forced masks ?