Anonymous ID: 750b9f Jan. 5, 2021, 1:28 p.m. No.12330934   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0949 >>0959 >>1024 >>1123 >>1237 >>1281 >>1348 >>1497

Massachusetts to Ban Sale of New Gas-Powered Cars by 2035


The measure follows California’s plan to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in an effort to combat climate change.


Massachusetts announces a plan to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2035.

The plan mimics one from California that was announced in September as well as a goal set by New Jersey earlier this year.

Other states may soon follow the lead of California and Massachusetts while President-Elect Biden has said that he will push for the adoption of electric vehicles.


While EVs are still in the single-digit area of overall vehicle sales, they continue to climb and have already surpassed the sales of vehicles with manual transmissions. Now it seems that the electrification investments made by automakers are getting a boost from another part of the country.


In order to make sure those EVs are actually usable, the state plans to expand the public charging infrastructure to take into account that many people don't have a garage in which to charge an electric vehicle.Massachusetts is joining California with a plan to ban the sale of new gasolined-powered cars by 2035. Governor Charlie Baker released a 2050 decarbonization road map that includes the reduction of emissions from passenger cars. Massachusetts states that 27 percent of statewide emissions come from light-duty vehicles (passenger vehicles). The goal is for the state to reach net-zero fossil-fuel emissions by 2050.


The initiatives by California and now Massachusetts could be the beginning of a trend by states to slowly ban the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles. Several European countries have the same types of measures in order to battle climate change. Meanwhile, President-Elect Joe Biden has a plan to speed up the electrification of vehicles in the United States that includes replacing the country’s fleets with EVs.


The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, while stopping short of a mandate, in October also set 2035 as its goal for eliminating internal-combustion vehicles as well.


With the cost of EVs expected to reach parity with gas cars within a few years, some of the sticker price issues that turn off potential buyers will disappear.


Currently, Massachusetts and California are only requiring that new vehicles sold by 2035 be electric. Used car sales of gasoline-powered vehicles will still be allowed. In other words, you can still own a V-8–powered Corvette when you ring in the new year in 2035. It will still be a while before the roads in either state are populated entirely by EVs.

Anonymous ID: 750b9f Jan. 5, 2021, 1:36 p.m. No.12331059   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1069 >>1123 >>1237 >>1348 >>1497

The Next 24 Hours May Be the Most Important in US History – Will The US Remain Free Or Fall to Corruption and Communism? Soon We Will Know


One of the greatest 24 hour periods in US history has arrived.


The United States, born in 1776, is now 245 years old. In over more than two centuries of history, perhaps no period is of of greater consequence than the next 24 hour period that lies ahead.


The US endured Valley Forge where Washington’s soldiers starved and froze in their efforts to win the war against the powerful British military. These men could have quit, but they carried on in the hope of a better future for their families and freedom for all.


The country endured the War of 1812 and addressed the glaring issue of slavery in the Civil War. April 1865 may have been the most historic month in US history as Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, Lincoln was sworn in for a second term and then later in the month, Lincoln became the first President to be assassinated.


We endured the aftermath of the Civil War and the Spanish American War. We enjoyed the roaring 20’s and won two world wars. We survived foreign wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.


But these 24 hours ahead may be the most important in our country’s history.


Tomorrow the US Congress is to get together to declare a winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. This election was like no other.


President Trump campaigned hard to win the election. He’s endured four of the most challenging years any President has ever endured. Many people ask how did he do it? Others say only God could have carried him through all this.


The President was falsely accused of being a puppet of Russia. He and his team were set up before the 2016 election, spied on and slandered. Then when he won the election, he and his team were under attack.


Big Media projected stories on him daily which we now know better reflect the other side. Big Tech censors the President and his followers, of which there are many. The Democrats slander him daily and use every vehicle at their discretion to attack him, his family and followers.


President Donald J. Trump went through a fraudulent special counsel, an unconstitutional impeachment and a virus that initiated in China. In spite of all this, the US markets have never been higher after the President’s initiatives were put in place. Americans love him for his strength and perseverance in seemingly insurmountable situations.


Then came the 2020 election. President Trump way outpaced his opponent in rallies and attendance at rallies. It seemed at times like the President’s opponent, Joe Biden didn’t care. No one attended his rallies and no one watched them in the media. The two campaigns were polar opposites.

Anonymous ID: 750b9f Jan. 5, 2021, 1:40 p.m. No.12331107   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1132 >>1189 >>1205 >>1315 >>1361

Schwarzenegger Slams Trump's Election Claims as 'Un-American Bulls**t'


Recently leaked audio featured US President Donald Trump requesting Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, “find 11,780 votes" and flip the state from a win for US President-elect Joe Biden.


Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger published an op-ed in The Economist on Tuesday and took aim at the US president's recent claims that he won the 2020 US presidential election by "hundreds of thousands" of votes.


"I once did a Terminator film called 'Judgment Day,'" Schwarzenegger wrote, referring to the 1991 movie "Terminator 2: Judgment Day."


"That’s just Hollywood. But January 6th is Judgment Day for a lot of politicians. Will they choose to side with the voters, or will they choose to side with their party and their selfish president?"


As of this article's publication, at least 13 Senate Republicans have committed to oppose the certification of the Electoral College votes during the Wednesday congressional session led by US Vice President Mike Pence, who is also the president of the Senate.


While Biden got 306 Electoral College votes, well above the 270 margin needed to secure a victory over Trump, the US president has refused to concede and has challenged the legitimacy of the election via claims of widespread voter fraud.


Schwarzenegger, who took over "The Celebrity Apprentice" when Trump assumed office, also slammed the president's recent call with Raffensperger as "un-American bulls**t."

Dec 12, 2020; West Point, New York, USA; President Donald J. Trump walks on to the field before the first half of the Army-Navy game at Michie Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Danny Wild-USA TODAY Sports

© REUTERS / Danny Wild

What's Behind Trump Tape Scandal & Why Did Big Tech Treat It Differently Than Hunter Biden Exposé?


The audio in question was released by the Washington Post on Sunday and features the US president's asking the Georgia secretary of state to "find votes", purportedly stolen from the president during the November election.


"So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state," Trump said in the clip. "And flipping the state is a great testament to our country because, you know, this is — it’s a testament that they can admit to a mistake or whatever you want to call it."


Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer has argued on Twitter that the Trump-Raffensperger call was recorded illegally.


Georgia is currently in the middle of critical Senate runoff elections that will decide whether Republicans retain control in the legislative chamber. The voting comes as Trump has vowed to fight for what he calls legitimate results of the November presidential election, alleging massive voter fraud took place on Election Day.


The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 5, 2021


The former California governor asserted in his Tuesday op-ed that "there is no question about who won the presidential election" and "continuing this charade is stupid, crazy and evil."


"For those in my party considering standing up against the voters on January 6th, know this: our grandchildren will know your names only as the villains who fought against the great American experiment and the will of the voters. You will live in infamy," Schwarzenegger concluded.


At a rally in Georgia on Monday, President Trump said there was "no way we lost Georgia", reiterating his claims that the November residential election was "rigged" by Democrats.