Anonymous ID: a3fd5b Jan. 5, 2021, 1:57 p.m. No.12331272   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12330147 pb

Fucking WOW……..This just blew me away. At a certain point, brought tears to my eyes realizing that the last 5 years and specifically, the last 3 years, have not be for naught. Don't know who this JB White is. I've never heard of him. But who ever he is, he has put this entire operation into a perspective that perhaps WE, as anons, as the Digital Soldiers in Q's force, understand all too well as we have witnessed this operation unfold before our very eyes. Virtually unknown to the masses, very much known to those who yell the loudest.


Anons, Patriots, as the Republic is literally on the precipice, we are also on a parallel precipice. One that is much moar superior and light years ahead. One of National Salvation. "The Storm" has been inching ever closer, every single day, most of the time, unseen. Even to US. "Do not mistake silence for inaction"……….. has truer meaning right now, today, than it ever has. JB White has just tied together and summarized brilliantly, what is getting ready to happen and it is just the historic fraud that took place in this 2020 election. It is literally, the entire effort, coup d'etat planned, funded and implemented literally since the day our POTUS came down that escalator with his beautiful wife Melania. An historic and monumental era in the history of this Republic. It will be known as the "Era of Trump". The GREATEST AMERICAN, MAN, PATRIOT TO EVER BECOME PRESIDENT!!!

For God, Country, Honor

POTUS, Q & TEAM………………..You Glorious Bastards!!!!



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fc0dc2 No.10604573 📁

Sep 11 2020 12:46:33 (EST)


“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” ― Thomas Paine, The American Crisis