Do we have a deal Mr. Reagan?
You know, I know Q doesn't really exist as it is presented, I know that when I hope it is real the matrix is telling my brain that it isn't a Jewy and Kosher 5-Demographic psyop. After 4 years you know what I realize? Think for yourself was a mere catch phrase designed for morons who can't.
Then we have a deal.
I don't want to remember nothing, nothing concerning ritual sacrifices, human trafficking and all the evil sick memes and posts that shut my brain down and emotions off, you understand!? And I want nothing, no fame or fortune, just to not have all this weighing on me as if I'm responsible or could do anything.
Whatever you want Mr. Reagan.
OK. I'll give you what you want.
Access to the kill switch of the Judaic/Christian Zionists mainframe and all supremacist based Judaic ideological mutations forever without genocidal, it's going to be biblical, mass suffering and death. A sort of actualization of the golden rule and obliteration of ignorance where humanity keeps the community, love, codes of conduct, separation of genetic lines and wisdom but ditches the psychotic never ending messianic chosenite book plot from hell. And to shut down the entire satellite cell tower RF fields that are used for weather manipulation, crop circles, spying, nervous system manipulation, social engineering, torture and myriads of dark functions no one should ever have built in the first place by copying the ancient megalithic era wisdom.
No, I told you I don't know how to do that. But I can give you something that might make you feel better.