Anonymous ID: c970e5 Jan. 5, 2021, 1:26 p.m. No.12330897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930



>Wokester pronouns.

It is precisely that colleges lower academic standards for various groups, thus creating an annual influx of students already with discrimination chips on their shoulders, who cannot compete with their piers, thus failing and flailing in their chosen discipline.

The Marxist proffesoriat, particularly the cultural marxists, are well aware of this. They send TA's after these students, with the intention of recruiting them (by switching majors). Therefore, instead of these kids pursuing majors at schools that are geared toward their capabilities, they are converted to a perverted version of Gramsci's ittelectually dishonest (and logically incoherent) perversion of Marx's Marxism.

Nothing about cultural Marxism produces knowledge or discovers the truth. OG Marxist/leftist/hard left civil libertarians could at least be counted on reporting well researched and sauced "facts". (See Glenn Greenwald,, Alan Dershowitz ( lawyers are inconsistent) etc) The Marxist would toss the facts into the Hegelian grist mill, and declare the House of Hollenzaren's right to rule is uncontested ( Hegel was the court jester …erm…intellectual to the aHouse of Hollenzaren. His dialectics, under the guidance of God's unfolding absolute [which Hegel wrote MUST lead to the ruling houses of Christiandom ( not stinking USA) moving ever closer to God's kingdom, so that God's kingdom would come to earth.]

{Important tangent correction} So Hegels dialectics were invented out of whole cloth, Biblical passages, and a trite slogan [Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis] that is beyond intellectually vapid [ Remember Hegels said he merely discovered God's process-Thus ducking the obvious and nearly instantaneous recognized antithesis to Hegels Thesis] namely that not all theses have antitheses, and further, some antitheses require action that is so abhorent

that none would bother with synthesis. I could seriously go on, my disgust for Hegels is deep and passionate.) Suffice it to say that Hegels dialectics was written to prove that the House of Hollenzaren was Just and walking forward hand in hand with God's plan (Q's plan does so as well).

Leftists biggest problem is deciding the facts create a need for a new government law or program, despite the fact that the malevolence of gov't caused the problem. They do so because for the leftist gov't is an institution that is necessary, pure ( a shadow in Plato's cave 1 step from the True) but suffers from the greed of capitalists, merchants, and hereditary landed elites.


However cultural Marxist are utterly incapable of even framing facts ( or admitting that they exist), Apriori philosophical givens from which logical analysis is built, or Fair, Just and Reasonable protocols.

That's because they intend to destroy all such schools of thought and the civilization that is built on them. If you simple ignore the intellectual poison the cultural Marxist spews "defending" some incomprehensible absurdity ( Purposely confuse sex of which there are precisely 2, with Gender which is a grammatical term. There are precisely 3, masculine, feminine, and neuter. They apply to nouns and pronouns, however in English, where nouns have no specific gender (unlike most of the languages around the world), only pronouns have a gender. The cultural marxists as promoters of hate and division claim this idiosyncracy of the English language (a polyglot of several major European roots Celtic/AngloSaxon/Latin, German/French/Viking/Welsh etc. Many times the genders of nouns in these roots are different, which lead to many a haughty and nasty screed between prominent Etymologists at Oxford and Cambridge.

However as is generally the case, the English speaking public simply decided that all things are it, and people are either he or her. Further, they decided to use he to represent an anonymous person, cuz wait for it, all people are members of MANKIND. Women included. This cannot be discriminatetory because Gender is not sex. It is simply culturally distasteful to refer to a child of God as an it. But people are knowingly no longer taught this. The simplest solution is to simply allow that he or she is valid use for an anonymous individual, allowing the author to decide. A key tell would be the authors sex. Government should follow the old rules so that laws and legal reasoning remain historically consistent.

Those who initiated cultural marxists, many know this, but don't care. Damaging peaceful human communication by adding useless and nonsensical Genders, by enraging the stupid, lighting fires between groups, and falsely claiming the civil rights movements helm.


Anonymous ID: c970e5 Jan. 5, 2021, 1:28 p.m. No.12330930   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So wokesterism is a purposeful tool, created by GloboHomo whose leading lights were created by racist college administrators, to further attack the foundations of Christiandom.

I pray for the ironic solution, that wokesters attack GloboHomo. However, given that the highest paying jobs for wokesters is Corporate Diversity Training consultants, and wokesters don't understand irony, I suspect they won't.

Anonymous ID: c970e5 Jan. 5, 2021, 1:42 p.m. No.12331135   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fungus, do you make these stupid posts just to see if anyone is paying attention?

You historical attachment to capchas will not go away.

Now fuck right off.