Newseek getting quite a scoop.
Or setting the stage for yet another FF. A biggie.
Chuck schumer… First we take(win) georgia
Then we change america.
Removes the 100+ year rule for the minority party to object.
If Biden wins with this fraud, there will never be another fair election. Communism will take hold.
Is he a traitor or a patriot. He plays his cards well.
Dark winter is coming.
Plane into Capitol, super covid 2021, LIES and TDS
fox news has had a photo of the Capitol building on it's screen all night.
Gotta have a great night shot to deep fake?
Stay frosty in dc.
I don't know what's going to be the boom that starts this war or even if a war is going to happen.
But all the conditions to start one will be present in a few hours.
Dig in.
Here we go!