I just read my Twitter and listened to the 50min plus audio…..Downloaded it as well. I am so pissed off. Italy and Hussein the Abomination. Holy shitz! I feel like knocking on Husseins door with my husbands sidearm in hand……and I'm not a violent person. I'm so pissed off…. I'm fed up playing nice and allowing these manchurian fuxking demonic bastards send my husband to war and controlling my family and myself. Believe me, I will make it past the secret service. I'm spitting bullets here. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
I pray to God Potus Geotus has the affidavits, video, and tracks of the satellite and servers. I'm not that far away from DC. I was there today for the rally and I will be there tomorrow to hopefully hear great news from OUR President. I'm hoping Hussein is home. I'm that serious Anons. I need to get up early.
God forgive me.