That's what happens when there are multiple threads. The number increments by 1 with each post no matter which thread it goes in. What you're seeing is a normal feature of imageboards. But keep on displaying your knowledge of computers. This is funny.
It was so incredibly stupid that it made me feel a bit of mirth, which is more than I can say about the rest of today.
I'm stuck on how you extrapolated that Static VPN service out of that one post. I don't think you could explain your own graphics to any thinking person's satisfaction.
This, from the stupid idiot who doesn't know how imageboard post numbering works. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for being so ignorant.
You're aware that there are other threads on this board, right? I'll spoonfeed your dumb ass, then. Numbering is straight B machine. If it appears to jump, posts are being made in other threads. If a post is deleted, its number is gone for good and is never reused. Numbers are first come, first serve, so they'll appear in whatever thread the post ends up in. If /mnr/ did what you described, then Jim handed them the keys.
Sounds like Jondoodle has you outsmarted. Which is good, because he's the least mouthy of you fuckers.
I can't believe that you're still crying about that incident. Post the notable list so everyone can see.
I said, post it. Show everyone if you're so concerned about censorship. Let them see what was such groundbreaking information about jews.
I'm on a device with a small screen and I can't find it among that clusterfuck.
>trying to save face
Are you really that embarrassed about it? Fine, I found them. Here's what everyone thought was so important. It was Tubbs having a temper tantrum and tagging posts from a flame war.
Why don't you read a leddit thread about it and see that I'm right?
Honestly, I can't even say I care. I just hate Jondoodle less than the rest of you because he isn't a shrieking idiot who assaults the board with walls of redtext and diagrams about personal grievances.
You notice how no one has bit yet on your original post? It's because everyone else knows at least what's in that Reddit thread. Seriously, you should read it. And then stay there, because you're too stupid for image boards.
You have no idea who I am. I've never baked. I still think you're a shit flinging ape.
So I'm not the only one who noticed how repugnant you are.
Tell me, do you really believe that posts in this thread are supposed to increment by 1 no matter what, even if posts are made in other threads? Do you think it starts over at 1 if you make a new thread?
And how long have you been doing this? I recall seeing you sperg out like this for hours over the course of years. You are messed up.
Terry at least did some good for the world. You've cried about bakers for at least 2 years.
Actual pilpul. And supposedly I'm the jew. Give it up, everyone else knows how imageboards work.
Do you think crying all the time is productive? Terry would call you a nigger.