It's not the Jews - It's the Khazerian Jews, who are in reality the Khazerian Luciferian Mob. They destroyed Europe and took control. They destroyed Russia and took control. They destroyed China and took control, all through economic turmoil, failure than rebuilding with them as the central economic engine/governance.
The destruction of the USA is the same plan that worked in Russia and Europe (China was a different strategy). On the way we unwittingly helped them destroy the last significant holdouts Iraq, Libya and Syria.
Jesus didn't oppose Jews. Jesus opposed the infiltration of the Khazerian Luciferians, then known as the 'Sanhedrin', now known as the 'Bolsheviks' or 'Khazerian Mob'. You'll find NONE of this in History books because it's been stricken from History. The truth is hidden from you. There is a Jewish race and they are not bloodthirsty killers and leeches on Society. That group is the Khazerian Luciferians. We are saving Israel, their fake HQ for last, after we have economically, strategically and influentially isolated them. This has NEVER been attempted in the history of man. We are indeed passing into a new age, as signified by the first two signs of Revelations.
More to be revealed…