I have a few thoughts I'd like to lay out.
Firstly you are watching a movie.
It has some badass actors and actresses playing the parts of their lives, some FOR their lives perhaps.
Here's the bitch of it….some of these individuals may go ghost online profiles and accounts as to not be TRACKED.
What if that one person's house the other night was only attacked because the MAN of the house (no offense to the wife at all, she might be packing and stacking) was absent.
Ever consider that some of the 'people' that 'sweet innocent' 'Patriots' want to slaughter along with their whole family, which has been stated here REPEATEDLY though I know…officially violence is not a pro thing around here….if only that were fuckin' true we'd be closer already
Some of you assholes want to kill off the cast before they bow and the curtain falls.
Assholes, one and all, who'd be plotting the death of others right now given that you don't know a thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.
I know enough to know you mostly don't know wtf is going on and that is by design. I'm sure as fuck not spilling.
But truly.
This is a playback.
The ending is already decided.
Whatever happens, it was planned and agreed on by the big wigs in charge of this particular production.
You don't have to like the movie.
No one forced you to watch and many spent their $$$ toward grifters like they have so much to spare it boggles my mind as to how some are so greedy that they think entire fortunes whether gained through illegal purposes or not….belong to you.
Sorry, folks.
That's not the real world.
The world you see around you is fake as fuck because you're actually asleep, still. We'll be here when you wake up full of love and joy ready to welcome you.
This movie rocks.
Where we go one, we literally go all. Anyone ever realize that statement is a direct contradiction with 'the end isn't for everyone.'
I think you guys might be the 'everyone' it's not for.
Sorry. And I mean no offense as that's not my shtick.
It really will be okay. If the last year didn't tell you that something is totally fucking wrong with the assumed 'way it is,' I hate to tell you but I guess y'all missed South Park's pandemic special. I trust that show more than the news AHAHAHA. No wonder it's so delayed for the new season ahahahaha it might have fucked with national security.
Buckle up, buttercups. Don't melt!