But but but …
Tired of this shithole
But Trump freed them years ago right Q (Graham mconell etc ) right Q???
Nope … completely anti American shitbags that ignore anything good and honest
But but but Gina is finding the black projects and dismantling them right Q??
No.. she made um worse went against Trump quite often hid information burnt evidence
But but but tryst Wray right Q because Wray visited all the fbi field offices to clean house…
Nope… again Q he did the opposite
But but but Q said the democrats won't concede the election and Q said they will fight it in court…
Yep once again they cheated we knew they would they won they then called Trump the cheater and Trump is the one not conceding and taking it in courts (failing Billy BTW) apparently as we go onto the next one
This was clearly why so many judges were appointed sad part is half the people accepting the judges are corrupt so… yep no judges for Trump lol
This is just sad now it isn't funny it isn't justice NOT 1 TREASON COMMITING SHITBAG IS IN JAIL NOT 1 HAS LOST THEIR POSITION
But but but the military will step in with the insurrection act right Q?
Wait… they publicly came out and told uss to get fucked they won't interfere at All and no insurrection act or martial law will be used ..
How many of these do we need to point out?
Does the 3 strikez your out rule just not apply on here??
And for the dumbasses yelling but da 0 deltas… Gina haspel could of appointed a fucjing rookie Cia agent to literally do that. I can right now clone your email and watch everything you type as you type u idiots think you can't do it with texts..
A darn joke