I ain't going.
So, your definition of purgatory is like a holding cell, in a sense.
What if Earth was the holding cell the whole time and all you had to do to ascend to Heaven is choose not to lie.
Yeah, I know. Too simple. Like telling some prince to go dip himself in the river Jordan and he will be healed of his leprosy. Boy, that prince was sure mad for a while. Until he did dip himself seven times and was healed.
Whatever path God takes you down…
I personally been studying religion and religious theory at least 40 or more years.
I like to kid that I was born looking for God, but there is more truth to that than joke.
Oh yeah! My relationship with God is intensely personal, no religion necessary.
Don't forget the historical aspect of all these religions. I happened to study a year and a half with some Jehovah Witnesses and they have literally put an historic event to every chapter in the Old Testament, save one. Isaiah 24.
I know this because we got to that chapter and I asked them why no history to source it?
They came back and picked a fight with me over what name with which I should address my own Creator.
That sort of ended the study. God's will in all things.