1.5.21: FOG of WAR! Operation TAKEBACK is here! Pray!
1.5.21: FOG of WAR! Operation TAKEBACK is here! Pray!
Like sitting at the feet of Socrates would have felt? Did it for 3 years and learned the Way of the World…until I came here…3 years ago.
"Fukk 'Trigger Discipline'…Shit's Too Real and I'm Too Old So Stay Outta My Way"
After listening to the 'John is Here to Help' audio this guy is one of the vilest pos' in the Swamp. I can't believe POTUS didn't throw him out of AF-1.
*at 30 Angels High
You probably think the same about Skippy's audio too, dontcha?
Unauthorized rendition by rogue clownz.
Nanshay is cutting off debate via fiat. It's be habbening in the Senate where the captive will be forced-fed the BIGGEST RED-PILL EVAH.
Four years of careful and quiet surgical incisions at the correct synapses in accordance with a 13-year plan renders the huge mass safely and willingly compliant.