CM Tweets (i.e., 3/3) not on Twitter
Yes, we know some of you don't approve of NR, but here is a Key Quotation from NeonRevolt Article:
"And this is why I must now write the most fateful sentence I have ever dared to write; the kind of sentence I had always hoped to avoid, but in the face of the evidence I now see, and the situation in which we find ourselves, I must write it all the same.
I hereby call for the immediate arrest of Michael Richard Pence, 48th Vice President of the United States, for Treason.
Patriots – you are all in DC today for a reason.
Make it count.
(And maybe now this all helps explain why Pence got an envelope, too)."
That last point is the key giveaway:
POTUS gives an envelope to Pence.
Obviously Pence would have a conversation about that.
Obviously Trump would have a conversation about that.
Explains why Pence was talking a lot at the GA rally: He's looking for forgiveness real soon.