What makes me doubt even more anything is worth doing at this point is not even Q wishes uss good luck .. a good day.. he or she just watches as we are maced arrested and jailed for defending the constitution and asking the police to arrest the people who assault uss .. but its to much to ask for our laws to be followed . If Q or Trump had any power at all.. we would be defended.. or do you all forget (you and your family's are safe do not worry).
Clearly they are not.. and my 9 month 1 week pregnant wife sais so and doesn't know anything about this shit… just looked at me and said we aren't safe at all they will come for uss next… at this point all I can do is run or accept destruction.. thanks for I guess trying at least Q .. but your pacifism has come to our total and complete failure . When they come I will have moved my family and shall take as many as I can . If you obey any order from these criminals you are not better than the dumpster they crawled out of and may God have mercy on your sauls because I Wont