Very plausible explanation.
The timing, on this day of all days, raises questions.
The normies in my area (Trump supporters) have already given up. They concede that Biden will be POTUS.
Today is the day. Can't kick the can down the road any moar.
Any plane fags in the room?
I'm in downtown Richmond and choppers and circling like crazy. I can hear them even being inside, nonstop.
I agree with this.
The Deep State used the Georgia Run-off as an opportunity to communicate to Patriots that they are in control. (they aren't) They could have easily introduced the ballots in a more seamless manner. They wanted to make a statement.
They want us to submit. We will not.
>Where is ANTIFA
Lurking in the shadows, as all creepy predators do.
They will wait until nightfall, or perhaps look for a loner wandering aimlessly.
Trump needs to declare WAR when he takes the stage.
No moar rally speeches. Enough is enough.