Cut your hair, hippy.
Let's not forget Iran indeed has a central bank but controlled by the Islamic Republic and not the (((globalist))) bankers.
And, yeah, they want to…sigh…send a plane into the capitol today…sure Beavis.
>>12344815 >>12344825 >>12344833 >>12344874 >>12344914 >>12345036 >>12345054
Instead Trump will do this:
This assembly hearby ordered is an illegal assembly. Disburse immediately.
Then somebody will run over a land whale in a Mustang (Ford got the Federal contract this time).
I genuinely thank you for catching my retardation. Yes, I meant disperse (irony perse, purse–friggin' Normans bringing French to us).
That was more embarrassing than thinking for decades rhinoceros was called 'rinoceasauraus'. That time nobody called me out on it; I found out by accident.
Does that mean anons are more friends to me than real life friends?
It is posts like these I will remember fondly when either telling my grand kids of the meme wars or in a Bolshevik-CCP Concentration Camp.