Q+ and team…thank you. Rest easy brothers.
Well can I just have you guys opinion? So work Mon-Fri and usually listen to these people to get caught up then in night weekends I go on 8chan…..should I stop watching these people. I am very skeptical now. I mostly watch:
SGT Report (lately not bc they reported on HRC video black web) https://www.youtube.com/user/SGTbull07
Just Informaed Talk w/ Craig (he does ask for $$ on patreon) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ/featured
Me too, I like all of POTUS tweets. I take very literal what Q says so I'm just gonna stop going on YouTube…cold turkey I suppose.
Yeah I never liked Beanz…her voice doesn't go with her face….and I have like this 6th sense for people. I tried to like her but I just couldn't.
Makes sense!! Ditto