It isn't just the money, the principle that money makers prey on those who are looking for info only in their comfort zone plays a major role, too, IMO.
The anons who frequent here are able to go in any direction that seems to lead to further insight. They are able to operate without attempting to or having to match new information with preconceived ideas .
The money makers have a 'brand'. Any new Q info has to be molded into their brand so their readers don't get uncomfortable.
The scam is that new Q information may be editorialized and criticized if it may damage their brand. There readers are paying to have news custom tailored to their preconceptions.
Anons here don't really know where the end station is or what it will look like, nor does that matter.
That's why the attempts to slide and derail are ineffective here. The only ones who know the destination are Q and his/her crew, therefore any attempt to define it by anyone else is A Priori bullshit.