A long time ago, the way war worked, was both sides would meet in a field somewhere and make threats, shout, wave weapons, beat their chests and show how tough they were. Then each side would send their best man to the middle. The two fighters would battle to show who was strongest. When one fighter killed the other, the losing side laid down their weapons and surrendered.If the winners said, move across the mountains, they moved. If the winners said, pay us a penalty, they paid.
Then the Illuminati came along. They wanted more blood. They created the rank and file system. The pyramid with officers on top and soldiers on the bottom. They wanted all the fighters to fight and kill. They did not want the killing to stop until ALL OF THE ENEMY was dead. This is how war has been for Western civilization since that time. The Illuminati ensure that times of peace only last long enough for all the sides to gather strength to make a splendous battle. They have orchestrated ever greater wars with ever greater numbers of people killed.
Something has happened.
Something has changed.
The officers who study war and strategy and fighting have learned that wars can be won by special forces. Like in the original system, only the best fighters need to risk their lives. The only need for regular soldiers in such a war is to support the special forces, to police any territorial gains. To keep the peace. In the ultimate war, the special forces will only attack a very few critical points in the opposing side's military infrastructure. So few that it will not even be recognizable as a war to the uneducated eye.
This is HUGE.
This would mean that there is no longer any need for massive bloody conflicts. In fact, by studying the structure of conflict so deeply and thoroughly, these officers may have discovered the key to war. They may now have the ability to PREDICT who and what is building up towards a war. If war is criminal, then those who build up events towards a war, are criminals, and if we can find them before any war happens, we can remove those criminals from the system, and KEEP THE PEACE.