Anonymous ID: 2e1481 Jan. 6, 2021, 9:40 a.m. No.12348133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8341

The minute Trump won in 2016, they knew their goose was cooked, we all know why….so they had to just keep Trump busy, just enough to where he can't expose the Deep State…..just long enough to where come hook or crook they can get him out of office…sound familiar…"Q" are you listening…delay….delay….follow the plan…..delay…delay….till Trump is out of office…delay…delay!!!


So, the last 4 years has been a waste time. I feel sorry for Trump…he didn't even make any money (like (cough)….(cough) Joe Biden)…on being in the office….sad…sad…shame.