POTUS Speech Highlights
GA con't - voters voted who were dead, incarcerated, people not on the rolls, people using a vacant address, 88,000 cast by ballots that were illegally backdated, voters who moved. Despite this, margin in GA is small. 11,780 votes.
Make no mistake, this election was stolen. No state has removed these illegal ballots.
[cites what happened in AZ & NV & MI - similar to above, POTUS cites specific violations again - esp in Wayne Co/Detroit]
139% of registered voters turned out in Detroit, workers coached dems & backdated ballots. AT 6:31 am, MI suddenly reported 147,000 voters, 94% to Biden.
Vote dumps only observed in a few swing states.
Just enough to push Biden barely into the lead.
We were ahead by a lot - later, behind by a little.
Dominion - a problem, used by majority of states in our country.
Sen. Ligon has written a ltr re GA situation.
Tens of thousands voters switched from Trump to Biden at 9:11 ET.
I could go on and on about this fraud.
"All of this legislatures want this back."
Could go on forever but it's freezing out here.
[We want you! chant]
"This is a criminal enterprise." But press won't cover.
There's never been anything like this.
It's a disgrace.
Repubs have to get tougher or they won't have a party.
"I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do" (doesn't listen to RINOS).
We won in a landslide.
This is the most corrupt election in history, maybe in the world.
It's so crazy that people don't even believe it - can't be true.
This is a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY.
I'm calling on Congress and legislatures to pass sweeping [election reform measures.]
Our fight against big media, big tech, etc. is just getting started.
We must stop the steal and must ensure that this election fraud will never happen again.
With your help, we will finally pass powerful req's for VOTER ID.
Every person should need to show id to cast a vote - also proof of citizenship. Just had a victory in court on that.
No more fraudulent drop boxes.
Will stop unsolicited mail in balloting, non resident voting.
Restore in-person voting on election day.
We will hold big tech accountable - get rid of Section 230.
Those who break the law will be held accountable.
Swamp - cleaning it is a dirty business, lotta bad people out there.
This crowd - all time record. Thinks it's 250,000 people today.
If we allow this gp of people to take over our country - and it is illegal….
We were headed in the right direction, now they want to take down the wall.
The caravans are forming again.
We have truth and justice on our side.
Overwhelming pride in this country deep in our souls.
To preserve govt of the people, by the people, for the people.
One of our great accomplishments will be voter security.
We fight - we fight like hell, if not, we won't have a country anymore.
For our beloved country - despite all that's happened, THE BEST ISYET TO COME!
We're going to walk to the Capitol.
We're going to try to give our Repubs - the weak ones - the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
God bless you and God bless America!
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