>Mike Pence was in that Chat Room/ Video Game.
All the more brilliant that we keep the traitor in the catbird seat.
>Mike Pence was in that Chat Room/ Video Game.
All the more brilliant that we keep the traitor in the catbird seat.
read notables
>We can't troll him if we do that.
Hopefully he'll be in prison so trolling won't be necessary.
Well the day aint all bad.
Great move fellas.
Tell me again why we didn't just arrest people in 2017 or 18?
This is the shit I was worried would happen.
Let's invite our most loyal supporters to DC for wild day, THEN lead them to the capitol for shit to go south, INSTEAD of using our fancy specOps for arresting people we have proof on.
twitter doesn't work that way.
>>>12354769 Disagree. The MAGAs were led to the Capitol as a statement, and no one expected what happened. I'm glad he led them there; the scum have to feel our power.
Look, I love POTUS, but:
He knew enough to GTFO there on the way to the Capitol. any fool would know to send an angry group of thousands to the capitol, priming them up knowing pence would fuck us, is expecting shit to go down. I do not like this.