I have to say that I agree, but I have been helped by some of these summaries sometimes…There have be positive things that have come from these other sources. Even reading the enemy's newspaper gives insight. But sure, don't feed them with money…make them thirst and see if they are still loyal to the cause first. After that, I really don't care if they make money or are helped in their efforts to help Q. Maybe I'm seeing it wrong. Anyway, warning taken.
Don't have to like Jason Goodman, but I feel like he's done a service. Perhaps he's struggled with the fine line of patriotism and making a living, fair enough. He does regularly point out a number of bad actors though. George Webb, who is recently showing his hand as an Obama stooge trying to distance Obama from Hillary et al. Robert David Steele who we all know is a talented conman. There are others who we can name or not. They all seem to have lost our eyes long ago, but we should warn our family friends and neighbors as this thing gets more public. Know thy enemy.