Anonymous ID: c50488 April 29, 2018, 12:34 p.m. No.1237013   🗄️.is đź”—kun




>Can you trust?

Clown mocking Q over recent discontent/impatience on the board: Are they REALLY with you? Troops deserting? Anyone on that crack team you got really working for the other side?



>Shall we play a game?

>Can you trust?

You sure you wanna play THAT game? Comparing /whoseguys/ are more LOYAL??

Our side work for the greater good. YOUR side are the craven, self-serving, back-stabbing, cohort-ratting ship-jumpers. And we both know it. Yes, I can trust MY ppl. That's what you get for allying with patriots.


Healthy orgs are honest with each other. What we just witnessed wasn't breaking ranks, but building trust. Because healthy orgs/nations/families are encouraged to question authority, so leaders can be vetted, and know when/how to feed their sheep. It's YOU ppl that can't trust anyone unless pinned to the wall with blackmail and bribes. Good luck with that.


If your minions weren’t so scared of being Arkancided someone may have questioned that trainwreck of a campaign and saved you the humiliation of defeat. Didn’t happen then, won’t happen now. No honesty, no intel.


Seth Rich.




>Your move
