Anonymous ID: d878df April 29, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.1236551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6578 >>7007

shills have gotten more sophisticated, they are moving away from the copypasta. they are still division faging and concern fagging like crazy 'noone has been diggin for days' as they ignore diggins 'thats off topic dig somethign else' whenever diggins is over target. lots of people are falling for it because 'the shills are gone' because the flat earth tard left.

Anonymous ID: d878df April 29, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.1236961   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Am incarneted draco. Became draco after fighting against them, they conquered my planet and I became one of them. Spend a few lifetimes as an outcast in their society, even rebeled vs them and got myself exiled to the desert to die of old age alone. Spent a few lifetimes as non draco reptoids in a system the conquered also, well not conquered, more like 'surrendered' and allowed to be an 'autonomus region' like china has. was def an easier life then being one of them on the homeworld. Was a large resistance movement against the dracos.


Here is the thing, they in the same situation we are. top down hierarchical control. They have different values to us true, but like races on earth have their stereotypes but there are always exceptions. Do you really think every german in WW2 was an 'evil nazi' or was there individuals trapped in a society they did not agree with?


Why must 'aliens' be so different to us that they are all carbon copy clones of each other that all think and act the same?


Think of all the us soldiers that got tricked into fighint in unjust wars here. Happened to me in this life time, a repeat of when the draco tricked me as a draco into going and helping to conquer my own people who i used to be when I fought vs the draco.


(((they))) want you afraid, they feed of your fear. do not fall for the fear porn.