The DS is gasping its last right now. Anyone care to share their favorite memories of the "Deep State"? What will you miss now that it is gone? Was is the abundance of victimless "process crimes" that just made you gasp in wonder at just how creative the DS could be in extracting money from your wallet? Or maybe it was the sheer brilliance of getting millions of healthy people to WILLINGLY enter "house arrest" due to an apparent viral illness that is in other years is called "a cold" or "the flu". Perhaps it was the inspired brazenness of attempting to convince the entire US electorate that their favored Presidential candidate who could draw tens of thousands to rallies actually lost the election to a senile pedophile who couldn't fill a phone booth with "supporters".
What is your favorite deep state antic that you would like to memorialize here? Remember, in a few weeks the "party" will be over and you will no longer have the deep state to stun you with their obscene level of corruption, evil and deceit.
Oops, I forgot the most outrageously evil deep state action of all. (Honestly can't say I will "miss" this, however.) Remember when Congress set up a false flag attack on their own chambers in order to give them the political cover to reject Trump's electors and credible information of massive fraud and to attempt to install their "media-elect" puppet, Joe Biden? THAT is one for the history books, to be filed under "willful brazen acts of treason that defy wisdom, common sense and even normal instincts of self-preservation.". Brilliant and colossally stupid at the same time. Gotta hand it to "them".