I love watch how much your Truth rustles the jimmies of shills. Fuck jews.
You aren't fooling anyone. Whatever they pay you is way too much, green horn.
I enjoy filtering out concern fags like you.
Really? You "people" really do come from a small island of incest genes, huh? How's that slow genetic death, kike?
Things are getting better. More people are waking up. Do not despair for that is (((they're))) greatest weapon against us. They do not want us realizing how close to winning we are.
Lin could be playing a role. Pence could be White hat but Lin pretends he isn't. Anything is possible in the Art of War.
Concern shills are on overdrive because their masters are desperate. Easy peasy.
I would fucking spin like I was drunk if that happens. But who knows? Anything is on the table at this point.
>Pence issues Pardon for Trump who really was involved with the Cabal but played the greatest part in the movie to take them down.
What part did Trump play, do you think? I don't see anything like this at all.
Breaking. Your concern is boring and trite, faggot.
We don't know shit, nigga. We know what we're being told. Trump has shown he knows how to wait until the final moment. He can tell lies for his own benefit. He has run circles around us and his enemies before.
Don't tell us what You know. We are here to discern possibilities, not block ourselves off with bias, faggot.
Oh cool, another kike to filter.
Jewish supremacy is real. Q isn't needed for we are the engine that terrifies the deepshits. You are a green horn shill. They pay you too much, whatever it is.
Pretty much this. Look at the actions of what has happened. Look at the words and what has/hasn't been said. The patterns are obvious. We're winning.
Blah blah blah. Shut it concern fag.
Oh cool, another kike to filter.
This. I've been doing my part to collect notables. Even got one in the notable basket this thread. It's all of our duty. Don't slack on it, anons!