>Statements today needed to be made.
>Operators have died.
Why does Q discuss in the context of Fame Whores?
How are fair-weather Q-groupies connected to operator deaths?
Why are Q comms purposefully vague?
Are Q comms more or less clear to Autists?
Are Q comms specifically designed to trip-up {{bad actors}}?
Are {{shills}} known for inability to see patterns, hence plagiarism?
What did {{they}} gain by getting Jesus to explain things?
What did {{they}} accomplish by getting Plato to defend?
And what do {{they}} gain by getting us to defend/explain Q?
Do {{shills}} coopt and then distort truth, then mainstream?
Do {{shills}} when defeated online come back with new strategy?
Do the new {{shill}} strategies incl. elements of what beat them?
What did Q say about {{shill}} tactics early on: they log and learn?
So–are {{shills}} to see patterns on their own, in any way at all?
Are {{shills}} only able to understand when Autists overexplain?
Are {{shills}} logging & studying this board, then referring to Ops?
Are hyper-defensive Autists providing {{shills}} with vital info,
That {{they}} shouldn't have been aware of otherwise?
{{shills}} are passing along what they learn here,
and troll specifically in order to extract info/patterns from Autists,
so careful not to explain things that are obvious to you,
assuming it would be obvious to {{them}} too.
pic related