RECENT MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN RE NORTH KOREA from a seer who has been receiving messages for over 30 years
March 10, 2018
… God the Father…says: "Continue on the path of perfecting yourselves in holiness. Small weaknesses must be addressed for this to happen and for the evil in the world to be countered. I must refer to the North Korean leader as 'pride'. Pride has consented to peace talks with your President.* Be cautious. Pride has ulterior motives."
"Pride has fallen in love with the spotlight. Remember, you are still negotiating with evil. Therefore, do not believe every spoken word. Look at actions which bespeak what is in hearts. In Pride, there is no faithfulness to the Truth."
President Donald J. Trump
April 23, 2018
… God the Father…says: "I am all Truth. I speak to you now, as this meeting between your President and the North Korean leader* fast approaches. The North Korean is like a partly cloudy day. Often his agenda is very clear, as it is exposed to the light. But, at other times, a great portion of his agenda is hidden behind clouds of deceit. The cloudy part of his agenda is what to fear. He wants the sanctions against his regime lifted and will use any type of compromise to accomplish this. Your President must establish firm guidelines and ways of confirming if everything is in the sunlight."
"The fact that the North Korean leader is partly cloudy must tell you he is highly untrustworthy in the long run. You can get him to agree publicly to anything, but as the clouds pass, you will see more clearly the reality of the Truth."
President Donald J. Trump
** North Korea's dictator Kim Jong-un.
April 29, 2018
…God the Father…says: "The respect you have for one another stems from loving trust. The meeting between the U.S. and North Korea will not reflect trust or respect. North Korea is a nation that will agree to anything and then do whatever it wants. That is why any agreement must be backed up with strict enforcement of that which was agreed upon."
"Loving trust is not the same as blind trust. Blind trust believes without proof."
"This is not respect but naivety. This attitude has gotten many nations into deep trouble. The opposite of blind trust is wisdom. Pray for wisdom."