That is fucking retarded. Trump conceded, unfortunately. I’m sure when Biden is being sworn in, it is all part of the plan.
Yeah the plan was a military junta…fuck off with that third world shit.
Those are glowies, setting the narrative for violent Q supporters and the need to further crack down on peaceful online discussion.
Dude, America died today. The next 2 years will be an absolute shit show. The plan failed, unless you view the plan as going from a republican president and house/senate majority to full dem control of congress and presidency, no Durham report, and a single bullshit Russia gate arrest for lying to the fbi.
So tomorrow when trump talks about transitioning to Biden it will again be a head fake, and when Biden takes the oath, the secret service will be right there with handcuffs?
I can’t believe you can’t at least consider the plan didn’t work.
No, it’s set. Literally the only mechanism is to destroy the constitution. Inauguration Day is a set, firm date.
Ok…well keep living in fantasy world telling yourself Biden didn’t really take the oath, trump really didn’t hand over the football, and trump really didn’t vacate the whitehouse.
You think the critical race theory espousing, confederate base renaming military will now overthrow Biden? The plan failed.
And he will really have them fooled when he moves out of the White House…
I’m not sure why you can’t at least grasp the possibility that the plan failed…
Oh yeah, steinbart for the win. Fucking glowie
Lol, Biden becoming president elect was part of the plan? You don’t think that we’re a trap to be sprung, it would have been better to do it before that happened?