Yep. Q quelled Patriots, the sale of the US to China was completed, and now we'll be thrown to the communists.
"Nothing Can Stop What's Coming"
Yep. Q quelled Patriots, the sale of the US to China was completed, and now we'll be thrown to the communists.
"Nothing Can Stop What's Coming"
In Trump speak, that's a concession. Argue it all you want, the plan died tonight. That's what riddles spewed by a letter of the alphabet gets you. Vague bullshit, you keep chasing riddles, and poof…bye bye America.
And the early morning hours of January 7th, was the end. America died because "Trust the Plan" was bullshit…and Nothing can stop it. Roll credits.
Last person outta here, don't forget to shut off the lights.
RED1: Do Nothing
RED2: Do Nothing
RED3: Do Nothing
RED4: Do Nothing
RED5: Do Nothing
RED6: Still More Nothing.
And that's the plan in a nutshell.
TrUsT tHe PlAn…derrrrrrr
High IQ Post.
Kek…GLP. Just another site full of more bullshit than you find on here.
CCP tanks could be rolling down the street, and ya'll still be "Trusting the Plan". At what point will you figure out that we were duped by a letter of the alphabet? Hard pill to swallow, I know