Morning anons…
>Trump's last act as President…
It sure as shit looks that way and anons could read it that way…or we could be smarter…
Who does a "riot" serve?
-congress now has an "excuse" for certifying…
-Pence was able to assume a mantle of power…
-MSM able to be "APPALLED" and "DISGUSTED" by maga patriots (this makes me sick BTW after watching the BS of the last 6 months…)
What are the facts?
-everyone knew there would be a "march" to the capitol
-march was peaceful expect for a few
-p.byrne comments regarding J.garcia and riots worth a re-read…
-very LIGHT capitol police presence
-capitol has seen some heavy protests over the last 9 months..why has this never happened before?
-antifa members already photo'ed leading the charge
We need some love…