an election that was a fraud doesn't need to overturned, it needs to be reversed.
now you're just being a counter dolt.
they spread stupid pessimissm, and you, on their team, spread stupid optimism, all designed to make the users of this board look stupid.
if you know the 'beauty and design' and 'steps' please fill us in.
the only thing that gets paid are the shills.
all in all your post is just a string of platitudes deisgned to make the users here seem stupid or hypnotized.
The Biden candidate will never be a real president, his regime will always be an illegal imposition.
you can pretend that the 'law' that they follow is sacred but they don't follow any laws so . . .
they have no legitmate standing to do things and the government becomes an illegitmate fraud on the point of his installation.
you know that 'military will save us' bit is a washed up con, right?
your narrative is false.
your ideas are just you trying to cast a spell on the people reading it.
I concur.
the people were let in and no one stopped their progress as they proceeded through the building.
and police stood by and watched.
there is even a video of when some of them were let into the building.
if Trump is said to have lost it was a steal.
we don't 'move on' letting the tyrrants run the back hoe to destroy our country.
We shall not ignore you svengalli's trying to cast your 'we rule you do as we say you have no choice' spells here.
the potentates that decide the fates
it was said in days of old
would listen to hear what the sound
coming from all around was
and if someone was saying to do something bad
to someone else,
the person suggesting it would get that treatment.
Christianity deprecated that.
I doubt you're a Christian.
I am not dissing Military people. I am dissing the ones who say 'military is the only way' as a parrot and act as if the military will do it all for us.
NO: the shills do not get one point, and that reveals them as merely shills. Anon know.
the shill ignores that one must maintain a point of view that works for the future.
the 'jump and die' or the 'military is the only way (so I'll be a slouch)' or 'we were betrayed' or 'they already won, there is nothing you can do' or
'Jan 6 must be as I describe or the world will suddenly disappear into a poof of smoke'
all that kind of 'it must be thus or else you all lose' kind of dialog marks the poster as not an anon, not with the plan of a better future. (which has unknown steps).
they try to make it all seem like a cult as if we've all been fooled. We lived and survived within the captive and broken system our whole lives and not by believing the negative messaging of svengallis who want to exploit us.
the negative shill wants to exploit the situation and spread doubt.
They should wish that there was more success, that the people here will cohere. Because without the unity of a common place to read and see the news, the ones here who 'get' the plan won't all be reading the same content, will go off and plan their own methodolgies.
now that we've been unhooked from MSM we are seeds of a better future.
a future where shills are BTFO'd from the start.
and offices aren't for sale
and foreigners don't buy up all the houses with cash and fill them up with 'tourists' who never leave, or students who get degrees in law but never study anything.