Anonymous ID: 487532 Jan. 7, 2021, 4:24 a.m. No.12374401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4443 >>4469 >>4486 >>4498 >>4585 >>4672 >>4739 >>4778



Compare the Scavino tweet on behalf of POTUS to this scripture:


Revelation 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end…”


Now compare these to a snippet from a document published mid December:




Operation Warp Speed represents the end of a lifecycle in our nation and the beginning of a new. A movement in time which started when our founding fathers laid down the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States, beginning with these words, they wrote, “We the People”. Following this were the Articles and Amendments, defining how the government would operate and ensuring a Bill of Rights for her citizens. These documents are our nation’s voice to the people, a set of just laws and sure framework upon which to build our new Republic.


We elected the representatives, of those we trusted the most, to speak on our behalf. They committed with an oath to serve the people and protect our nation’s most valuable treasure, our Constitutional framework. But after some time, little by little, sick people came in and gave healthy people gifts in exchange for favors. And healthy people accepted the gifts and became sick too. And then sick people threaten and blackmailed other sick people, and they all became even sicker. And the sickness spread throughout all the branches of government, in all layers of government, and all departments and agencies, and in corporations, and in lobbyist, and in law enforcement officials, even in our education system and throughout the world. They sought to change the good law. They began to twist and bend and trample our rule of law, even to the point of disregard. And for all these ill-fated works they only became more diseased. While serving and protecting their own interests, they failed to remember why they were actually there, and “We the people” became a thing forgotten.


Then came Donald Trump, and with him came a great shout of the people. And all the corrupter’s that were corrupt were forced to expose themselves as world’s most widespread virus. (These people really are sick!)


Yet we can be thankful. Operation Warp Speed is making a quick end to that dark movement which has plagued so many for so long. It brings us out of the era of corruption and returns us back to the peace and prosperity our nation did strive for in the beginning. We are band of patriots with a burning desire to wash away the China Virus, both the root and branch of it; even as a flood, healing the sick that can be healed, and together lifting up the Spirit of our Republic back to the image our forefathers had declared. Our journey brings us into a renewed dimension and finishes the circuit of time we live in. And when we reach its end we will discover that it will be the same then, as it was in the beginning.


✓ Operation Warp Speed is our affirmation to the Declaration of Independence from the corrupt world system.

✓ Operation Warp Speed actions will return our nation back to the based principals of our founding fathers, with a complete restoration of law and order, and the creation of a replica image of the original Republic.

✓ Operation Warp Speed is a biblical pattern. It’s an operation happening in each of us, and in our nation, simultaneously.

• Good Thoughts + Good Actions = Good Spirit (individual)

• Good Laws + Following of those Good Laws = Good Spirit of the Nation (society)

• Good Warp + Good Woof = the Good fabric of society

✓ Your Spirit is a part and parcel of the spirit of your nation, it identifies to others the rate at which you are going out of darkness and coming into the light.

✓ Operation Warp Speed is uplifting of your own Spirit, and assisting your fellow citizens to do the same, which together lifts up of the Spirit of your nation.


AMERICA FIRST, and the community of world nations will follow.



Anonymous ID: 487532 Jan. 7, 2021, 4:35 a.m. No.12374527   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Joshua 6:16

And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the Lord hath given you the city.