Discouragement isn't reality kid!
The reality is Biden will be sworn in unless the proverbial "happening" happens and frankly the time has draw to a close!
Discouragement isn't reality kid!
The reality is Biden will be sworn in unless the proverbial "happening" happens and frankly the time has draw to a close!
No shilling her kiddo, reality rules!
Didn't vote for chyna, my state re elected Trump.
This anon will never participate in elections again until its pen and paper and hand counting!
Fool me once its your fault.
Fool me twice its my fault!
Questioning the reality of things does not make one a shill, it only makes you disillusioned with reality that is a fact as of 1.7.21
Jan 20th and 21st will be hard on you if you don't realize it by now Anon!
It won't be funny either!
Thats the one verifiable thing we learned the last 3+ years.
The 20th you'll be hear preaching-
"Trust the plan niggers"
the 21st reality will set in for the first time in your life in three long years!