Legal restraints. The US is not legally at war so can't directly assault Syria. All must be done covertly. The official excuse is fighting terrorists/ISIS.
Only after the French gibbed Ghadafi. You are so poorly informed.
Retarded Q drones:
>Trump is a patriot
>Trump is a neocon who wants to make Israel Great Again, and America to pay for it
LMAO, what? No, they don't want Trump dead you moron.
And the truth is that Trump is Bibi's bitch. Pic related: Trump getting ready to receive the jewish cock.
Yes, I already told you what happened. The conflict in Syria intensified. American soldiers died.
Does it remind you of how Trump is fucking you in the ass? No worries, Netanyahu is fucking him in the ass as well. All is going according to the plan.
Trust the plan!
Die for Israel!
>Why is the release of the full JFK files being held up yet again
Because it's threatening to Israel.
Who gives a shit about a couple republicans resigning? Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem you retard. Do you think neocons would want him dead when he did that?
Why are you all so stupid?
Your cognitive dissonance is showing, boomer moron. When war starts in Iran, please go die for Israel there yourself.
(((Q))) and (((Trump))) are the satanists, you fool!
I already told you retards!
War in Syria intensified!
Many American soldiers died!
They died for Israel!
You retarded boomers need to burn in hell!
They're not focusing on anything you morons. Trump is a neocon, not a patriot. You're being led by the nose.
Bunch'a dupes.
For supporting justice? You do know that actual Christians are being killed right now, right? And you are implicitly supporting it, right?
Burn in hell! You and your jewish master, Q.
It's the truth. It takes a special kind of retard to deny it.
Your new is showing, boomer cuck.
Of course you are, fucking boomer Evangelical. You'd sell your souls to Satan yourselves if it meant you could suck a jew's circumcised cock.
Bunch'a idolaters, worshiping Israel instead of worshipping God.
Yeah, (((peace))).
The biggest shill here is Q himself, making you morons shill for Israel.