Yeah…if they kill Trump I think that is our message to slaughter them all.
Well yes…they would tell you the Cohen, kohn, Coen…..are all related somewhere way back. It is one of the leadership names. Much like Levi. Levi were the SS of the Jews. Marched in front of the army. Made all the other Jews feed them. The other tribes when they stole some town and killed all the real humans had to keep a percentage of Levi there to run the show. And the Jew takes this silly shit seriously.
I guess you missed the times Q quoted scripture and said pray. Q is Gnostic Christian. Esoteric Christian. Not this cattle christianty that that fake ass Constantine gave you.
Reading them now.
Watch the movie ¨Brainstorm¨ to see the combo of Gnostic Christanity and revolution against the Government. It is Q
I vote we give some asian women honorary white girl status. Some are amazingly hot.
Your very strict. I will let you have final say….but you know where I am coming from?
Some Latina should get honorary white girl status also. But that is about it.