Intangible Whatevers
Typical blitz, typical act, typical hype, another typical day except panic panic panic becomes ease ease ease. If there is a calm, it is the knowledge that no matter what, time and rotation is what can't be stopped. The fear being sold at an all time historical high coincides with every happening. Those not afraid have been for a very long time, the big picture isn't just what is reaped, sowed and harvested-it is how you make ado over time instead of adieu.
It's ok to be a fag, just never go full faggot, unless of course that's a bag worn like a badge. Equilibrium, Enlightenment, Evolution. Digitally Comfy, Reality is and always will be inside what any ANON makes of it, the beauty and horror of it all. It's never will be what the Social Engineers make it to be.